How to manage your retirement portfolio

When you think about how to plan for retirement, do you feel excitement, or dread?
The day you retire should be a celebration. You’re through with the nine-to-five, and it’s time to enjoy what makes you happy—traveling, relaxing hobbies, or new life pursuits. But for some, thinking about that day conjures feelings of anxiety.
If you’re apprehensive, it’s okay. Huge milestones in life often demand uncomfortable adjustments. On top of that, there is the assumption that retirement planning is confusing at best and baffling at worst.
One of the hottest discussion points and trickiest things to learn is how to manage your portfolio. Let us help by adding some clarity to that process.
Pieces of managing a retirement portfolio
When deciding how to manage your retirement portfolio, it’s good to know what the common retirement portfolio needs are and then decide if yours match. Here are some of the key pieces:
- Asset accumulation
- Protection against volatility
- Principal protection
- Lifetime income
Asset accumulation
Preparing for retirement is time well spent. Before the day comes that you retire, you want to make sure you have enough for the long haul. In preparation for that day, you’ll likely want your money to work for you. Saving and making wise investment choices—often with the help of a financial professional who you trust to manage your portfolio—can often be rewarding in the long run.
Protection against volatility
The years before and the first years of retirement are crucial to the longevity of your portfolio. The way you plan becomes more important than ever. But predicting how much income you'll need is difficult due to market volatility and inflation. Personalizing a plan for your needs with a financial professional can help you on your path to financial stability.
Principal protection
Every retirement plan comes with a bit of portfolio risk. Once you’re in retirement, you’re probably more loss averse than ever since you don’t have as much time to recover from market downturns. Yes, it can be scary to watch the market go up and down. But one possible option is a common one: diversify.* Now’s the time to spread your wealth around and prepare your portfolio for risks that are often outside of your control.
Lifetime income
Two major risks in retirement are running out of money and outliving your assets. So, living your retirement to the fullest often hinges on having a steady stream of income. Saving diligently and living a long, healthy life should be rewarded—not cause financial woes. You might even want your family or loved ones to be taken care of when you’re gone.
Annuities as a tool in your portfolio
Working to address the four key retirement portfolio needs highlighted above can be a tall order for any financial professional. Fortunately, certain annuities can help address two or more of these concerns—some may even address all four – depending on your specific financial plan.
But first things first. What exactly is an annuity? Well, there are many types, and each type has its own unique characteristics, with differences that are significant or subtle depending on what you’re using it for. But generally, it’s a retirement product that can help you pursue:
- Tax-deferred† growth
- Some level of protection
- Guaranteed lifetime income‡
- Legacy planning
An annuity can help bridge the gap between the savings you’ve accumulated over time and traditional sources of retirement income, like Social Security. And if you don’t need the income immediately, any gains you have within the annuity won’t be taxed until you begin taking withdrawals from the contract. It’s called tax deferral.
Overall, an annuity may be a helpful addition to your portfolio if you are:
- Still in the workforce and want to maximize your retirement investments
- Approaching retirement and are concerned about market volatility
- Already retired and need to protect your investments
- Seeking reliable income that lasts as long as you do§
- Planning to leave a guaranteed benefit for your family once you are gone
Does an annuity fit into your retirement portfolio?
As mentioned before, annuities can be versatile with options tailored to your retirement plan. When considering an annuity, the process can look like this:
- Decide when you need retirement income. You can invest a lump sum and choose to start taking withdrawals immediately or hold off for a better time to begin.
- Choose a product that’s right for you. There are many types of annuities, all with unique nuances that could fit your plan.
- Customize with income or legacy options. Discover how add-on benefits§ can guarantee income for life** or help you leave a legacy.
Let's look how annuities could help address the four key portfolio needs discussed earlier.
Asset accumulation
Variable annuities are like many other investments in that they have unlimited growth potential—with the caveat of unlimited loss as well. But when tailored to your specific needs, they could help be a source for the tax-deferred growth you need to feed your future retirement. Many variable annuities also have add-on living benefits—available for an extra cost—that can help grow income in retirement if you don’t need to take withdrawals from your contract right away.
For the more conservative investor, fixed annuities, fixed index annuities, or registered index-linked annuities (RILAs) could help provide growth with some level of protection.
Protection against volatility
We all have a specific threshold for loss—some are willing to risk loss for reward and some not at all. Choose a RILA to prioritize growth opportunities while limiting the amount of loss you're willing to take on. Being versatile, they allow flexibility within your portfolio due to index options and protection levels.
Unlike other annuities, fixed annuities and fixed index annuities offer full downside principal protection—meaning there’s no market loss whatsoever. Keep in mind that these annuities have limited or fixed returns.
Principal protection
Some of us have zero threshold for loss, period. And so, protecting our initial investment through diversification and playing it safe becomes a top concern. Fixed index annuities offer full downside protection, allowing you to pursue growth tied to a specific index of your choice.
Similarly, moving your retirement assets out of risky and volatile markets and into a fixed annuity can help keep your principal protected from sharp downturns.
Lifetime income
When you leave the workforce, that income is shut off. Hopefully you have saved enough to live off, but for many, another income stream is needed in retirement—and Social Security just isn’t enough. Many variable annuities offer guaranteed lifetime income by electing an add-on living benefit for an extra charge. These may help protect what you've earned and generate a lifetime of reliable payments.
Certain RILAs and fixed index annuities offer the same guaranteed lifetime income as variable annuities, only with full or partial downside protection built in.
Let us help add clarity to your retirement portfolio management process.
At Jackson, we believe that knowledge empowers. And that preparation is key to pursuing a healthy, happy retirement. We want every American to feel that retiring with some sense of security and comfort is within reach. So, we want you to take advantage of the many resources we offer at our Retirement Research Center. Our latest study, Research, Analysis, and Insights on Addressing Inflation Risk , explores the impact of inflation risk on retirement income planning.
Talk to your financial professional about your retirement goals and how an annuity may help you manage your portfolio.